Project name: Premier Inn and McDonalds Drive Thru, Salisbury
Client: Life Property Salisbury Ltd & Shieldtype Projects Ltd
Development: 65 bedroom hotel with ancillary bar/restaurant and McDonald’s drive thru
Mango was responsible for the co-ordination, submission and management through to determination of an application for a hotel and drive thru at Southampton Road, Salisbury. The application was initially recommended for approval by officers but refused at Planning Committee by Members. Reasons for refusal included impact on Salisbury city centre and failure to demonstrate compliance with the sequential test, together with visual impact and highways. Mango advised the client to appeal against the decision, and appeared as expert witness at a hearing together with the project architect, landscape architect and highway consultant. The appeal was allowed and a full award of costs granted in favour of the appellant. Further, Mango successfully argued that a £50,000 contribution towards ecological enhancements was not necessary to make the proposal acceptable. The project is currently under construction and due to open in 2019.
Image provided by Mountford Pigott Architects.